The DAMPAA Project: A Dementia prevention and risk Management Program for Aboriginal Australians project.
The DAMPAA program was designed to reduce cognitive (memory and thinking) decline for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 45 years and over. The program targeted key dementia risk factors, including physical inactivity, falls, head injury and cardiovascular factors.
The program was developed in 2018 with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCHO) partners. The program was led and coordinated by Aboriginal Health Practitioners. The program was trialled from 2021 to 2024.
The DAMPAA team co-designed with Elders and our ACCHO partners, culturally informed resources focusing on improving brain health for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

DAMPAA Good Brain Health DAMPAA Be Active DAMPAA Eat Healthy DAMPAA Good Medicine use for Elders

DAMPAA Heart and Spirit DAMPAA Protect Your Head DAMPAA Stay Connected
To download the Poster click on poster title.

The DAMPAA project appreciates the support and knowledge shared throughout the study by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants and Elders Governance Group members (Uncle Charles Kickett, Aunty Helen Kickett, Aunty Doreen Nelson, Aunty Doris Getta, Aunty Vonita Walley and Aunty Yvonne Winmar). We also acknowledge service providers Langford Aboriginal Association, Wadjak Northside Aboriginal Community Centre, Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation, Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service, Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service and Indigo Junction.
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